is defined as the quality or condition of being human, human nature.
Human nature is the concept that there is a set of inherent
distinguishing characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and
acting, which all humans tend to have.
In an age where technology surrounds and influences humanity one must
consider whether technology is changing how we think, feel and act.
Is technology influencing humanity or is humanity influencing technology?
The questions of what ultimately influences human behavior and how
the causation works, and whether technology is the influence or is
humanity the influence over technology are important questions for all
of society.
The Significance of Social
Social technology is permeating everything in our lives. It seems
that every medium of media has integrated social into the message. The
Facebook craze has pulled over 500 million people into use of social
technology for multiple purposes. Humanity is experiencing connectivity
to the human network like never before in history.
The influence of technology on humanity is affecting all market
sectors whether private or public, on-line and off line. The
intersection of technology and the human network is disrupting old
business models, organizational theories and beliefs systems founded in
old knowledge. The significance of these disruptions and the relative
meaning is a moving curve of comprehension. What we see on the surface
is merely attempts to create short term results using old belief systems
and business models. What lies underneath is a societal shift in
beliefs as humanity strives to create meaning and significance from the
emerging changes.
Umair Haque writes: Social
is significance. The real promise of social tools is societal, not just
relational; is significance, not just attention. You’ve got to get the
first right before you tackle the second — and that means not just
investing in “gamification,” a Twitter account, or a Facebook group. It
means thinking more carefully how to utilize those tools to get a tiny
bit (or a heckuva lot) more significant, and starting to mean something
in enduring terms. The deepest test of a 21st century business isn’t
just whether it glitters, but whether it can create thick value, that
endures, benefits, and multiplies: whether it matters.
The Mazeway Re-synthesis
Humanity has many belief systems which influence the many groups
within the human network. Our individual beliefs system form around
collective belief systems influenced by society and by media.
Could it be that social technology is enabling the human network to create a new belief system?
When a small group of people experience a change of belief system,
and if they persuade others to share it, they become new prophets of
change, if they fail to persuade others, they are discounted and labeled
by society. Many new belief systems are incompatible with the old, and
results in small crowds and followers going to a new “promised land”.
This accelerates the process of colonizing vacant territory, and
therefore both the capacity to develop a new belief system, and the
capacity to be persuaded to switch to the belief system of the prophets
of change, becomes a mazeway resynthesis of beliefs.
Mazeway resynthesis’ is the change in belief systems that occurs from prophets of change, the mazeway being to the individual what culture is to society, so that the prophet awakes to a new reality which he or she then tries to impart to followers; if successful, the prophet becomes the leader of a new movement; otherwise, he or she is alienated from
the network of people clinging onto the old belief system. Sound
familiar? Those social media preachers within and outside the
traditional organization are the prophets of change attempting to create
a mazeway resynthesis with those who believe in the meaning and
significance that social represents.
Prophets of Ideas
Ideas represent the presentation of new knowledge that emerges from
the creativity of the human network. Because of the connectivity
afforded to the human network meaningful and significant ideas are
emerging every day. The meaningful and significant ideas are the ones
which create thick value that endures, benefits, and multiplies productivity of the human network.
The Social Overton Window
is a means of identifying which ideas define the range of acceptance
people’s ideas and media fall into. Media is used to persuade or educate
the marketplace so that the window of behavior either “moves” or
expands to encompass them. Opponents of change reject ideas that
represent significant change in how humanity thinks, feels and acts.
While the influence of technology on humanity always has been
and always will be significant the real influence on society is what
humanity does with the technology to create meaningful value for all
This is also true for any individual or organization using ‘social technology for any purpose.
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