Saturday, 14 April 2012

Women, Abuse, Rights; But We Remain Careless!

Women rights around the world are an important indicator of understanding global well-being. Many may think that women rights are only an issue in countries where religion is law, but that’s not the case. The term “women rights” refers to freedom and entitlement of women and girls of all ages. As human rights this category is one of the most lighted issues.
In today’s world it is very important for every individual to know and have knowledge about women rights.

From ancient times women/girls have been discriminated upon in every sphere of life. But the most important fact is that a woman is a mother without whom the existence of any individual is not possible. Now a days we can see that women have equal strength to stand together, rather ahead of men. They can handle their work and household activities together. But even today, in the deep villages of Rajasthan, in our very own posh South Delhi, in urban setups which are very much linked to our mainstream life, discrimination against women does exist.
Issues commonly associated with women rights, though are not limited to, the right; to bodily integrity and autonomy; to vote, to hold public office, to work, to fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to education, to serve in the military or be conscripted, to enter into legal contracts and to have marital, parental and religious rights.
According to Dr. Jamal A Badawin“the status which we have reached during the present era was not achieved due to the kindness of men or due to natural progress. It was rather achieved through a long struggle and sacrifice on woman’s part and only when society needed her contribution and work, more especial, during the world wars, and due to the escalation of technological change.”
Next view is on reproductive rights which are relating to sexual reproduction and reproductive health. These are not recognized in international human rights law and are understood as rights of both men and women, but are frequently advanced as women rights.
Sexual harassment and Abortion is another highlighted topic in women rights. Women’s access to legal abortions is restricted by law in most countries in the world. Even where abortion is permitted by law, women may only have limited access to safe abortion services.
Rape and sexual violence can also be called as sexual assault. It’s an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with or sexual penetration of another person without that person’s consent. It is considered as one of the most heinous crime. It is also considered as a civil assault.
Today, domestic violence has made sure that they are not even safe in their own houses. Isn’t there a way out of these heinous acts. A way that would give the women strength to fight for their rights. How can an individual raise his voice against the domestic violence that is taking up a dirty place in our society?
A girl of age 4 was raped. What was her fault? What did she know or do? Isn’t it heart wrenching to see these small girls tortured to death?
From some noted researches we found out that the rape victims in 2009 increased to 3000 (still pending). While writing about the importance with women rights I questioned a few people with their views about the concentrated issues.
Oliva Saikia a student of an engineering college in assam feels, “women are our creators and we pray to them thus we must protect them with all our might” echos Jyotisman Borthakur a student of B.C.A in Pune, “A man is incomplete without a woman. A society is incomplete without a family. And where there is no society animals exist.”
“Every woman should have equal rights in every sphere of life. God has created both man and woman equally.” Mr. Siddhartha Phukan owner of a Financial Group in Assam said. Another law student from Pune, Baishalee Hazarika said, “our government should come up with more measures to protect the women of our country.”
Many debates have taken place, many articles been written, but no substantial achievement as yet. It’s time we all stood together hand in hand to build a nation where everyone would be treated equally.

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