Monday, 14 May 2012

Types of 3D Glasses


If you have been looking at purchasing a 3D TV, you are likely curious about the different types of 3D glasses out there on the market.  There are basically two categories of 3D glasses to choose from when you want to watch a 3D movie: active and passive.  Active glasses interact via a wireless system with the images on the TV screen in order to enhance 3D picture quality, while passive glasses do not feature this interaction and are the old-fashioned type of glasses that have been around in some shape or form for nearly a century.  Passive glasses are further divided into either anaglyphic or polarized.   Let’s look at different types of 3D glasses in greater detail.

The Best 3D Glasses In 2012 


There are many types of 3D glasses in 2012 but the glasses listed below are without a doubt the best of the best. These glasses have been developed by companies like Sony, ViewSonic and Sharp. You really can’t find better 3D glasses anywhere online. These 3D glasses are so good that it can be hard to buy them online. Out of the three best 3D glasses only one of them are currently in stock (March, 2012). Every few days a handful of will be made available but they sell out quickly so when you find a pair you like you better buy them quickly or backorder them. All of these 3D glasses are available through People that use the links below to visit the product pages will receive a huge discount. also boasts a large number of 3D TVs, DVD players and other 3D equipment.

best 3d glasses 20121. Sharp X102 3D Glasses – Sharp is the leader in 3D glasses. As you can see form the image to the right this type of 3D glasses is the most advanced available in 2012. These glasses use batteries and boast the highest quality 3D picture in the world. You know you have a powerful pair of 3D glasses when they require batteries. These glasses cost much less than other types of 3D glasses, even the ones that do not require batteries. Only a few of these are in-stock right now and if you use the following link you can get them at a big discount. 

the best types of 3d glasses2. Sony TDG-BR 100/B 3D Glasses – Sony has long been the world’s number one TV, DVD player and TV related equipment producer for years. These 3D glasses are Sony’s latest innovation and they are the best 3D glasses that do not require batteries. The picture is absolutely perfect and these glasses are very comfortable. They were designed to solve the problem of eye aches and migraines. Wearing these 3D glasses will be the same as your favorite pair of sun glasses. Use the following link to get 30% off of the sales price . 

types of 3d glasses3. ViewSonic PGD-150 3D Glasses – These ultra-advanced 3D glasses were developed by ViewSonic in 2012. The only reason I have them listed as third best is because I have not tried them yet. To learn more about these 3D glasses please click the following link. If you decide to buy them you will receive a massive discount.  Click here to learn more about these 3D glasses.

Passive Glasses

First off, passive 3D glasses do not need a source of power. These glasses are cheaper because of that fact. Anaglyph glasses, the ones with the red and blue lens, are made out of cheap material (oftentimes paper and cellophane). These are not very high tech in terms of 3D glasses because they cause a viewer to lose some or most of the color. Polarized 3D glasses are available in separate forms. The two forms are circular or linear polarized. The linear type requires a person to keep a certain straight head position because if you tilt your head to the right or left, you could loose the 3D effect completely. Why is this? This is because one eye sees a horizontally polarized image and the other vertically polarized image. The circular polarized lenses make this problem go away but require special equipment which makes them more expensive in the long run and not capable of being used in a home system.

Active Glasses 


The first thing to know about active 3D glasses is that they do require a power source to the lenses. For some types, such a shutter glasses, syncing is required. Shutter glasses are the main type of active 3D glasses that will be used. LCD lenses open and shut at different times to show each eye a separate image. These glasses used to be powered by a wire but are now powered by small batteries and syncing signals similar to a television remote. One pair of shutter glasses, however, is more expensive than the passive 3D glasses. People can expect to pay any where between fifty to a hundred dollars for just one. A downfall for active 3D glasses is that the pictures are not delivered at the same time for both eyes and cuts the frame rate in half. These glasses do get full color and image information since the pictures aren’t being laid together on top of each other. This advantage of full color may be something that comes above the frame problem.

3D glasses come in various different types, some better than others. Purchasing these glasses may be tough but looking at how they work and seeing the pros vs. cons can really help. The inexpensive ones may cut out some to all color while the more expensive cut the frame rate in half. Overall, you have to know what you’re looking for.

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